Saturday, July 9, 2011

Solution to the Chicken and Egg Problem

It has been a while since I blogged. Busy with Textnomics. But here is something I did sometime about 6 months ago. Just never got to write about it.

The question is which came first, the chicken or the egg. This is one of those infinite loop problems. To solve it, you need a constraint. Interesting enough time and evolution provide the constraints.

Given evolution, the first chicken (or rooster) had parents that were not exactly a chicken.

Now, we don't know what the parents of the first chicken were exactly. We don't know if they could fly, what they ate, where they were geographically, or what they looked like. But two things we do know:

First, their offspring was a chicken. So at some distinct time a chicken was created.

Second they laid eggs. Don't know much about the eggs either. Did it have a hard shell? Was it speckled or blue in color? Was it spherical or oval? Was it laid under the earth or did the parents sat on the egg (probably the later)? But we know that it was an egg of some kind. There fore the first chicken was hatched from the egg that its mother laid.

Ergo egg had to come first.

There is the question: was it male or female (chicken or a rooster)? I'd say: ladies first :-)

Cheers, E